How to publish your book | 5 steps that get you started

The second draft of the book is when you start thinking about what you are really writing. The first draft is you collecting all the windfall, making notes, jotting down stories and such. Wait, I might have just skipped ahead. As a writer seeking to be published some day, you want to know at which…

5 Must Haves for Great Content

Everybody worth their salt in the industry today is churning out really good content. It has become tougher to make yourself stand out. Mediocre content has no takers. It is all about great content today. Over the last 3 years I have engaged with online audiences through posts, blogs, articles, self created images, videos and…

3 Tools that will change the way you write

Scrivener – The Greatest Book Writing Software ever. Scrivener has been a life saver for me. I write multiple chapters and sometimes I am not sure how they should flow. Scrivener lets me rejig the order by just dragging and dropping. While writing I have sudden ideas strike me- their idea tab works well for…

How many times should you post on social media to stay relevant?

There is no easy to answer this- How many posts should you do on social media to stay relevant? It’s like this. You are thinking of planting crops, fruits and vegetables on a farm. The farm doesn’t belong to you. You are hoping that people will stop by the farm, admire your farming and maybe…

3 ways to build a writing process that works for you

The writing process has some very distinct phases, though they aren’t always sequential. Every writer has a process that is unique to them. In this post, I am attempting to walk the reader through the different ways of building a writing process. Maybe you already use a mixture of them, and maybe you use only…

5 tips that will help you hire the best content writers

I will get right to it. This has been a major pain point for my business- and I have a series of quick checks to determine if the content writers fit my context or not. The first one is for you. Be clear about why you want the writer. I hire two types of writers….